Cubatrip is dedicated to helping the tourist find accommodation in private homes in Havana. Cubatrip is an information service allowing
the visitor of Havana to make reservations in private homes through the Internet. Hundreds of families are renting out entire apartments or
rooms to travelers. Since a couple of years the government legally permits this and it has become extremely popular for tourists
traveling independently. Private homes are known as 'casas partículares', they represent the best option for travelers who want to be in
close contact with the Cuban culture or who simply prefer the intimate privacy of their own individual home. What advantages do private homes offer?
- Extremely competitive, low prices compared to the hotels; generally in the range of 15 to 30 USD per room, which can be shared by several travelers.
- Close contact with Cuban life and culture, or cozy intimacy if you prefer.
- Private homes allow you to travel with Cuban friends, which is not allowed in the hotels, where Cubans are frequently rejected.
- Many private homes offer Cuban breakfast and dinner for low prices.
- Cuban families are extremely friendly and hospitable and always willing to talk with their guests and offer useful help about:
interesting places to visit, private restaurants, most popular discos, excursions to other cities, etc.
We are the first web page allowing you to make advance reservations in wide range of governmentally licensed 'casas particulares'. |